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"Transforming the Entertainment Industry: Insights from President Bio's Meeting with Sierra Leonean Artists - Opinion by Gpee"

Transforming the Entertainment Industry: Insights from President Bio’s Meeting with Sierra Leonean Artists – Opinion by Gpee

President Bio’s Meeting with the Entertainment Industry

Discover the transformative meeting between President Julius Maada Bio and Sierra Leonean artists, as songwriter and singer Gpee shares valuable insights on the future of the entertainment industry. Read Gpee’s opinion article for an inside look at the discussions, challenges, and hopes for a thriving artistic landscape in Sierra Leone.

A Memorable Visit to State House

On Thursday 6th July 2023, members of the entertainment industry went to congratulate President Bio on his re-elections as President of Republic of Sierra Leone. The team was led by the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs and Office of the Entertainment and Investment Ambassador. The visit was a remarkable and memorable experience for not just some of the entertainers especially we the young ones rather it was also a fun filled moment for the President. Veteran Comedian, Desmond Benya and one of the new school best comedians, Yematta cracked our ribs with stunning jokes. Amb Kao delivered an outstanding speech which handed him a standing ovation from all who attended the visit. The ambassador in his speech made two requests which he described as tools that will help shape the lives of entertainers. He prayed for a national auditorium, where entertainment events could be hosted and National Studio which will also sever as training center for those who desire to pursue a professional career in various sectors of the industry. While addressing entertainers, President Bio started by acknowledging the role which the entertainment industry has played in maintaining the peace and stability of Sierra Leone. The President showed sincerity to entertainers by accepting that the industry is the most underinvested sector in Sierra Leone. Affirming that his government is looking forward to having a dialogue with key stakeholders of the sector to know what are the most immediate needs that will create an enabling platform for every entertainer.

DJ Kallox Vs. Amb. Kao: Transport Issue

President Bio Out of his kindness gave TP. According to the Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs Madam Memunatu Pratt and Amb. Kao, the TP was $20,000. Everyone who went for the visit at State House later came to the Minister’s office at Brookfields. The office was jam packed with entertainers. All waiting to get their cut from the bread which the President gave. Even those “we bin dae round the clock wit papay on the campaigns show up bra!” Honestly when I saw them, I was like seriously? this team sef kam ya? (Broke Industry) The Dispute Unfolds:
 The distribution of the TP money started. The provincial entertainers were the first sets of groups that receive their own part of the TP money which President Bio gave. After which groups like, Comedians, Reggae Union, films industry, traditional musicians, and DJs were prioritized. On the current dispute between popular DJ Kallox and Our Ambassador Kao Denero. Now I will like to give an insight on what I saw happening in front of me while the DJs were given their own cut of the bread. First, the DJs came with a list of about 23 names of their members that went for the visit at State House. Then the Minister asked her Director to vet the list. The vetting was done, and the Minister stretched out her hand giving $700 to DJ Tamba B. Immediately Amb. Kao saw what she had given them, he told the minister that the DJs were over fifteen. It was then she gave them another $300 making the money $1000. When the DJs left; the Minister cautioned Amb. Kao that the money which President Bio gave was strictly for transport purposes and that people shouldn’t aim to get everything for themselves as there were others still waiting for theirs. Ambassador Kao agreed with her and said he as the Ambassador do not want a dime from the money, he just wanted to make sure everyone is fine and the distribution is been done appropriately. At that time when he made that remark, those of whom are known to be the Ambassador’s main guys including myself were in the office and we have not gotten our own share. During the conversation between the minister and ambassador. The minister’s office got crowded with bloggers, MCs, another set of comedians (unbelievable), fashion designers amongst others. “Ambassador!, Ambassador…,! was the only name in that room. DJ Kallox came into the office, expressing concern over the money that was given to them as DJs. He threw the money($1000) at the Minister, and she was amazed and asked DJ Kallox to talk to Amb. Kao. Vexing over the situation DJ Kallox confronted Amb. Kao “ Yu Kao, Kao, na yu tel di minister fo gie wi this small money? $1000? Look am wi nor want am”Ambassador then said Kallox no! Why yu dae attack mi so? Na mi tell am? Na mi tel am?…., Kallox……, Words where exchanged, both gentlemen got out of their ways.

Grudges Should Not Continue

According to reports just after the confrontation between Amb Kao and DJ Kallox, through his Citizens Radio platform, DJ Kallox has been a strong critic against Kao Denero’s National Studio idea and what have you. Watching the situation closely I also wanted to know what has cut the tie between DJ Kallox and Amb. Kao. One political pundit says politics is at play : Well I don’t want to agree with that because I believe both men ought to know their values and should put that energy together for the interest and growth of our industry. You can agree without been disagreeable: DJ Kallox ought not be doing public criticism over something that is yet to be discussed in a dialogue as proposed by the President. Similarly, Ambassador Kao Ought to have reached out to DJ Kallox after that occurrence to let him know his own side of the story. Both gentlemen need to bury the hatchet. I have stated those two facts because I believe we have to keep the sprite of being United on Purpose. Any how, at least we are hopeful that we have a government that is willing to face us as an industry with a human face and for our own development. Let’s not blow away that opportunity – by spewing out negative comments about one another. If we start showing our divisiveness now it will just kill our dreams of having sustainable entertainment industry.For those that have started suggesting the appointment of another entertainment ambassador : PAWA na God di gee. “ Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author, Gpee, a Sierra Leonean singer and songwriter. The views and perspectives shared in this piece are based on the author’s personal experiences and observations. They do not necessarily reflect the opinions or stance of Focus On Sierra Leone or its editorial team. The article is intended to stimulate thoughtful discussion and engage readers in dialogue about the topic at hand. Readers are encouraged to form their own opinions and conduct further research to gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

Also read: LAJ: The Friendly and Vibrant Superstar Shaping Sierra Leone’s Entertainment Industry | Gpee


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